My Healing Story

I refused to take Birth Control or Hormone Pills and decided to turn to my herbal allies instead. Birth Control made my situation worse! So, IMAGINE healing remedies that were used thousands of years ago still work today! Here is my Story.

On two separate occasions, I had issues with excessive bleeding and irregular cycle’s. The first time I had issues with bleeding it was for 6 long months. I went to the doctor and had a normal pap exam. I explained to my doctor what was going on with me and how long I had been dealing with the issue. I had blood test ran, ultrasounds and more pap exams to try and determine what was going on and how it could be treated. All my test came back normal and my doctor asked me if I was stressed out. Well there were some things in my life that may have caused me to stress but I had no idea I was stressed! I did have a lot going on, working a fulltime job trying to run a business, manage relationships, keep up with all the events I was scheduled for, keeping up a house paying bills and trying to figure out how to fire my boss and be a fulltime entrepreneur without going under and you know, all the day to day struggles of life. Im sure my on and off yo-yo dieting didn’t help since my weight was fluctuating I realized I was doing too much and needed to slow down first and take some time to listen to my body and take care of myself. I then decided to eliminate mainstream poultry from my diet. I didn’t have a desire for it anymore so it was easy for me to transition. I’ve always loved vegetables and been into natural food and natural medicine because that was my Mother’s lifestyle and that was also how she raised us as kids.

My Doctor decided that the best way to regulate my cycle was to put me on a hormone pill and if that didn’t work she also gave me a 3-month sample of birth control to use if the hormone pill didn’t work. I did give it a try after all I had been bleeding for so long and I just wanted it to stop already. It made my flow super heavy and I was in extreme pain. So, I stopped taking them both. And decided to believe every day that my cycle would regulate and I would pray over myself daily. I continued to eat lots of green foods and veggie soups and herbal teas specifically for menstrual issues and it did finally regulate.

The second time I noticed my cycle was going through an irregular phase again I don’t know why but I hopped right on the birth control pill again to see if it would regulate quickly. It didn’t…again I blead worse and it literally felt like my uterus was falling out of my vagina! Sorry for the graphics but that’s the best way I can describe it. I thought to myself what am I doing “Im an herbalist”. I was going through another stressful season so again I had to listen to my body and do the necessary. I had just finished up my certification to become a Community Herbalist and learned about these womb healing herbs so I created this a tea blend that consist of Red Raspberry leaf, Lady’s mantle, chamomile, Vitex Berry or chasteberry, nettle leaf and I added some of my favorite dried fruits. I started drinking this tea regularly like three times a day and in about a week in a half my cycle cleared up and is now on track for regulating. I don’t have the painful cramps like I use too, I can function if I’m on my cycle like normal and I have a lighter flow then I use too!

I posted my story on social media and a lot of women reached out to me expressing that they were having various menstrual issues as well. I started giving out some samples of my own blend I use for myself and have been getting positive reviews from women who the tea is helping so I have also made it available on my website for purchase! I just want to help women heal their womb naturally. These sacred womb healing herbs have been proven for thousands of years to be beneficial to the womb and reproductive area in general for women. The best part is you don’t have to worry about any crazy side effects because the constituents in these herbs are specifically crafted by the creator to nourish the womb of a women. Im happy to be able to share this natural remedy with other women who may be having menstrual issues like I did.


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