Raw Vegan Meal Ideas

 In Raw Vegan Challenge Start Guide

So you  want to start The Raw Vegan Challenge but you don’t want to eat salads for 21 days! I totally understand! Trust me! I feel the same way! Don’t get me wrong I love Salads but I also like to switch it up a bit. Even though when you eat Raw Vegan every meal is almost like deconstructed Salad De La Dressing. The cook thing about eating Raw Vegan is you don’t have to “COOK” anything but it doesn’t hurt to get creative! I tend to get most creative with sauces especially. The most recent one I got creative with is Sweet potatoes and Zucchini noodles tossed in a Sesame Ginger Peanut Sauce. Oh man, its so yummy! Well get to the recipe in a min but lets talk about the combination of peanuts, ginger and sesame! These are three of my favorite flavors. Sesame oil is high in antioxidants, helps lower blood pressure and contains unsaturated fats. Ginger oh ginger! This herb has so many health benefits so cooking with it is just smart. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, settles upset stomach, excellent for cold and flu and so much more. Peanuts are a great source of protein for all you “well what do you do for protein” folks Love y’all but you get plenty of protein from plants…but that’s another blog post! My point being cooking with foods that are rich in nutrients and water is actually better for our body. Here is a living dish you can put your own spin on…

Raw Vegan Sweet Potatoes and Zucchini Noodles with a Sesame Ginger Peanut Sauce


1 Large sweet potato (spiralized)

1 zucchini (spiralized)

1/4 cup coconut oil

1 tsp dried red pepper seasoning

1/2 tsp pink sea salt

1/2 lemon juice

1 tbs sesame oil

2 tsp grated ginger

2 tbs maple syrup

2/3 cup organic creamy peanut butter

1-2 tsp coconut aminos

2 tbs or more of water

2 garlic cloves minced

Baby arugula for garnish



Spiralize sweet potatoes and zucchini drizzle a little oil and lemon juice set aside to marinate.

In food processor blend coconut oil, pink sea salt,lemon juice, sesame oil,grated ginger, maple syrup,peanut butter,garlic, coconut aminos and water. Blend until smooth season to taste. Add a little bit of water if not smooth enough. You want a creamy consistency.

Once you have a smooth consistency peanut sauce pour over noodles and toss in baby arugula plate and serve!


See now that wasn’t so bad was it? Listen your food processor will be your best friend during a Raw Vegan Challenge because you can transform so many different ingredients into some really amazing sauces and who are we kidding Sauce Matters!

Enjoy and Heal Easy!








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