21 Day RAW Vegan Challenge September 8th- 28th!

 In Raw Vegan Challenge Start Guide

So the first time I did a RAW Vegan Challenge I only did it for 7 days. But Baaaybe! After those 7 days I  felt so good! I had more energy, I felt lighter, My clothes started to fit a lot better and I was just functioning so vibrantly! I decided if I could do it for 7 days I could do it  for 14 days! After 14 days I felt even better and lost more weight. I thought to myself if  I could go 7 days then 14 days I can definitely go 21 days and kill it!

Now I want everyone to experience the same vibrant feeling I do when I consume all Raw Vegan foods for a consistent period of time. So this Challenge starts Monday April 15th and it goes through May 5th. If you want to participate in the Challenge and win then you must be following me on social media @imaginechefmal on instagram! All you have to do is post one Raw Vegan Meal a day for 21 days tagging my personal page as mentioned above as well as @imagineedenherbs and @imagineeden then use hashtag #imdownchefmal . That’s it! At the end of the 21 days I will pick a winner and they will receive an entire line of my teas for free! Yes the Freeski! Valued at over $60!

Along with the RAW Vegan Challenge I will be doing  a group Parasite Cleanse! Drinking one 24 oz of the blend a day is the goal but I’m going to be honest with you that is a challenge in itself! The tea is very bitter and you are not to sweeten it! This combination of bitter herbs are geared towards kicking those parasites out! Bitter herbs start working the second they hit your tongue. They signal the body to increase bowel flow. In other words your taste buds are talking to the nutrient sucking parasites in your body saying you ain’t got to go home but you got to get the heck up out of here!

So Welcome to the Raw Vegan Challenge and Group Parasite Out Cleanse!

Enjoy and Heal Easy!

The first thing you want to do is make up in your mind that for 21 days healthy feels better then pizza taste! At least that what I tell myself. You want to commit to this challenge and prepare yourself mentally. Second you want to take a look at the tools you have in your kitchen. The main tools I use when working with RAW vegetables are below.

1.) Food Processor

2.) Ninja Blender or Vitamix  ( or a good blender)

3.) Good Knives

4.) Spiralizer

5.) Mandolin

6.) Cutting Board

7.) Freezer Baggies

8.) Tupperware

9.)  Zester ( for Lemons/Limes/Oranges)

10.) Cheese Grater ( not for cheese)

The next thing you need to do is go get your RAW veggie ingredients! I personally like shopping at my local farmers markets. Its way cheaper for one then going to a mainstream grocery store. You also get a better variety of produce, even wild fruits and veggies you might want to try! When you shop a your local Farmers Markets you are supporting the community of Farmers that work so hard to provide quality crops. You will save money all while building relationships and moving culture forward. Here are some of the RAW ingredients I like to keep in rotation while I’m doing this challenge.

Tomatoes/red onions/lemons/red peppers/zucchini/sweet potatoes/butternut squash/almond butter/pecans/walnuts/mushrooms/strawberries/swiss chard/cantaloupe/limes/oranges/pomegranate/avocado/sun dried tomatoes/blueberries/bananas (frozen and unfrozen)/kale/bib lettuces/garlic/parsley/basil/carrots/apples/pineapples/olive oil/grape seed oil/ coconut oil/stone ground mustard/honey/maple syrup/Pink Himalayan sea salt/pepper corns/basil/coconut milk/chai seeds/pumpkin seeds/hemp seeds/cashews/pure vanilla flavoring/mango/pears/natural springs water or alkaline water/raw rolled oats/

These are just some of the main RAW ingredients I like to have on hand to get me started on my Challenge! You can add whatever you like just make sure you are eating a combination of nuts, fruits, greens. You can have all the smoothies, juices,nuts, greens, fruits and dried fruits you want all day long! Make sure you are staying hydrated all day long and make sure you are eating and snacking only on RAW foods all day long. I eat about 4-6 times a day when I do this challenge so no conviction here because its all good stuff.

Lastly, Don’t give up! Remember why you started and keep going. Your Higher self will thank you later!

So enjoy and heal easy!

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