October is Liver Detox Month!

 In Tea Blend of the Month

October is Liver Detox Month!

The Herbal blend is now available in my shop for purchase!

A liver detox is important to maintain optimal health! The liver is the bodies natural detoxifying system due to the fact that it cleanses the body of toxins helping to increase bile to support healthy digestion. Maintaining  a healthy liver is a must in order to detoxify everything it comes in contact with. When the liver is not healthy it cannot detoxify properly the bi product of these are symptoms like fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, itchy skin, jaundice, swelling body parts, dizzy spells and a number of other signals the body may send to get your attention.

This Custom blend has hand crafted organic medicinal herbs That help aid the liver in detoxifying the body! Herbs like Fenugreek seeds that are used for kidney ailments and vitamin deficiencies and digestive problems. Wild Yam Root is has been used to treat intestine disorders, gallbladder pain, rheumatoid arthritis and increasing energy. Sweet Fennel helps contribute to liver enzyme functions and and helps detoxify some cancer causing compounds in the body. Dandelion Root probably the best herb for a liver cleanse! That’s why it is the main ingredient in this blend. Dandelion root and the leaves helps the live flush out toxins and makes it easier for it to digest food and also promotes the healing systems of the body effectively cleaning the liver. Barberry helps to cleanse the gut and liver, boost heart health and is also rich in antioxidants and has been known to help prevent certain types of cancers. Chicory root has a long history of aiding in proper liver function. The Egyptians were know to consume large amounts to purify  liver and blood. Beet Powder is also a key ingredient in this blend. Beets are often used in combination with medications to help treat fatter liver and other liver diseases. Beets help lower levels of triglycerides and are also a major source of antioxidants. (thank me later) Milk Thistle is anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant also aiding in healthy live functions. Mandrake is a stimulant to the liver and intestines regulating bowels and removing waste and any other toxin build up. Yellow dock used for blood cleansing and helpful for oxidative stress (something that is involved in creation of cancer) this herb facilitates detoxification also working on lymph system. And lastly Ginger Root which is one of my favorites. This root herb is great for inflammation reduction, improves digestion, boost immunity, fights pathogens like parasites, fungi, viruses and bacteria. Ginger helps eases asthma, stops nausea and aids in cold and flu symptoms. Ginger helps blood circulation and supports the delivery of oxygen minerals and vitamins to cells in the body. Listen I could talk about ginger all day but in short Ginger is the original Gangsta of Herbs! Here is a link to one of my favorite articles on Ginger!

Ginger Root Tea for Liver Health


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