Parasite Out Cleanse


There are three main parasites that can live in humans flatworms, Thorny-head worms and Roundworms!! This blend helps rid the body of the little buggers and kick starts your cleanse, detox or fast!


There are three main parasites that can live in humans flatworms, Thorny-head worms and Roundworms!! This Cleanse Comes with Info, suggested regimen and recipes to help you through your detox journey!!!

Sometimes You just need to get that Parasite OUT! What is a Parasite? By Definition, it is an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host’s expense…how do you get parasites? Parasites enter the body through food and water…parasites hide in meat, contaminated water, fish, vegetables that are not cleaned or cared for properly….you can pick them up almost anywhere…this Parasite Out Blend helps rid the body of the little buggers and kick starts your cleanse, detox or fast…some symptoms are constipation, diarrhea, not being able to sleep, aching muscles, fatigue, itching skin, sensitive skin, thinning of hair, and so much more…sometimes you don’t need a magic pill to swallow sometimes you just need a little herbal Ally to rid your body of what it doesn’t need and nourish your body with what it does need…and plant’s happen to do that!!!

Bitter Herbs Start working the second they hit your tongue! Yeah they signal the body to increase salivation, gastric acid, enzymes that break down nutrients, increase bile production in liver, regulates insulin to help maintain healthy blood glucose levels, signals to repair gut tissue, reducing sugar cravings, gas bloating and helps absorb foods and B12!

Parasite Out Cleanse

Ingredients: Burdock Root, Olive Leaf, Pau d’ Arco Bark, Calendula Flowers, worm wood, goji berries, dandelion leaf, nettle leaf, lavender leaf and clove.

Directions: Steep 1-2 tbs of leaves in coffee press or tea strainer for 4-10 min DO NOT SWEETEN. If you can stand it, drink without. However, limes help mask the bitter taste.

Herbs are all Organic and non-GMO


*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.


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